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Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's 2012. Why Isn't There A Sippy Cup That Works?

Dear All Sippy Cup Makers In The Known Universe,

Cancel all pending consumer research.  I am going to tell you what Moms want because I am tired of the shenanigans.

We want one vessel from which a child can successfully sip water without creating his or her own personal splash park.  Given the products on the extremely crowded market, I am confident that's not what your research said.

Your study told you Moms want choice and, wow, you took that to heart.  Nervous breakdown and I were as close as we've ever been in front of the sippy cup wall.  Give me one option in one color that my son can drink beer from in college.

Your study lost its loose grip on reality when it ranked cup aesthetics a higher priority than cup utility.

Dr. Brown's, I loved your graceful lines and neutral colors.  I hoped to have you in the family for years, but you stopped dispensing fluid .  Since babies can't talk and were he precocious enough to he would have been too weak from dehydration to utter a word, it was tricky figuring this out.
Sippy Cup Carnage:
 Leaking Out Its Insides.

Once discovered, I left the good Doctor and tried Nuby.  

For a few hours I was pleased as punch because the removable straw let my son hydrate himself.  Then, he started batting the cup.  The dog ran in fear of his life and I ran after it.  Cup carnage is what I found.
Sweet Potatoes, Chicken,
Green Beans
& Spilled Water.
Yummy Fall Soup.

Most recently, when it leaked all over the high chair tray, the cup caused the Sweet Potato Soup incident.  My little boy thought it was awesome.  I did not.

For days, I blamed myself for not being agile, strong, or smart enough to screw the lid on correctly, but then I remembered something I learned in marketing school, at a little place I won't name but is ranked in the top 10 for Marketing, and everything changed.  The customer is always right.  

(God I love our entitled society!  J/K.  Hate, hate, HATE it unless we're talking sippy cups.)

As your entitled customer, I am requesting a vessel to hold water and let it out when summoned.  That's all.  It doesn't have to be ergonomic or green or run a four minute mile.  It just has to work.

Also, you have to figure this out by next week when my little boy starts drinking milk.  I'll be waiting patiently for your call.

Thank you very much.



  1. I JUST had a breakdown and threw away every single sippy cup we own, because I am SO SICK of finding puddles of water EVERYWHERE!! I just ordered Nalgene's sippy cup for kids got great reviews on Amazon and I am VERY hopeful (still...ha!). I got a business degree myself, a while back...and now I evaluate sippy cups as if my life depended on it. Oh, life...

    1. The revolution starts here! I tweeted this to all the sippy cup makers I could think of. Haven't heard back yet.

  2. I think this is what my friend has and swears by:

    What a pain!

    1. I am going to check it out before we have any other malfunctions.

  3. We aren't having a whole lot of luck with either of ours and I had thought it was just us (not sure of either brand)... one barely comes out and the other causes food soups everytime when Alidia manages to get it out of the non-spill top, but not into her mouth! :/ Ugg, let us know if you find the perfect one!!

    1. This is the evil genius of the sippy cup - it makes you feel like it's your fault. It's not. REVOLT!

  4. I just cannot describe my rage and frustration when it comes to sippy cups. I have a cabinet full of crappy ones. And I HATE HATE HATE all the choices. Do we need 50? Do we really have to have cups for 6+ months, 9+ months, etc? It's all a scam!

  5. I keep fooling myself into thinking that there is one out there that will be perfect every time I enter a store and see yet another model that we somehow don't yet own. The result is always the same: failure and a more crammed cabinet.

    1. I think the sippy cup makers have some people to answer to. This phenomenon is larger scale than I thought!

    2. LM is very picky with his sippy cups. We tried a bunch of fancy "nice" cups. N the end we are using the same ones as his daycare is to be consistent. They are the take sand toss ones.

    3. Well, I am glad you found something that worked! We are still in sippy cup limbo and hoping to make our way out soon.

  6. These are the only ones that we have found that are easy to drink/do not leak when dropped (more realistically, thrown) on the floor!

    1. I'm going to try them out! Thanks for the tip.
