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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's Crackerpalooza.

It's Crackerpalooza.

He wants crackers in the morning. He wants crackers before breakfast. He wants crackers as lunch, dinner, and two snacks.

He wants Goldfish crackers, Cheddar Bunny crackers, Trader Joe's Peanut Butter sandwich crackers, Saltine crackers, and animal crackers.

8am shot of the kitchen. Crackers everywhere.
He wants crackers in Target, in the car, at the grocery store, and in his playroom.

He wants to feed his dog crackers.

There are crackers on every floor, in both cars, in the bathtub (don't ask), in my hair, and mushed into all my jeans.

His cracker tracker is more accurate than my GPS. He can spot them by brand from his perch in the grocery cart, through the door of the kitchen cupboard, and ground into the rug in his playroom.

He can crush, stomp, and throw crackers with the ferocity of an Olympic discus hurler. He can yell for crackers at a decibel that rivals eight opera singers hitting the high note together.

Get your tickets before the show gets shut down. It's Crackerpalooza.


  1. Oh man - that sounds....delightful.

    Tay has learned to go into the cupboard and get the goldfish bag, but we use one of those chip clips on it and she hasn't figured it out...yet.

    1. You have more patience than me, b/c as soon as he starts shaking the bag and saying "uh,uh,uh,uh,uh," I give in. He also makes fish noises when he finally gets them which is super duper cute.

  2. Oh I love you. This is just amazing. Kids sure love their treats and it looks as if yours likes crackers.

    1. "CRACK!!!" That's what he yells when he wants them. It sounds like "cock." Awesome.

  3. Our dustbuster is now used for crackerpalooza! Not sure if you've tried this but one thing that helped us cut down on the crackers everywhere was one of the cup-bowl things with the lids that they can get their hands into but can only get out 1-2 at a time. Yum!

    1. We have several of those but I can never find them! He hides them places. I found one in my shower the other day. They would definitely curb the mess.

  4. From one Annie to another - I love the way you approached this prompt! I can almost hear the radio announcer's inflections as a I read. Stopping by via Mama Kat :)

    1. Well thank you and thanks for visiting! Why can't I find you? Where are you, Annie?

  5. The only upside of the goldfish is there is not a peanut butter filling. Those are the worst in terms the mess to made from mushing. Good times.

  6. it could be worse.... he could want donuts.....

  7. This makes me want crackers! I love Mama K's prompts, I just haven't been organized enough the last few weeks to join in on the fun.

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