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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who To Not Hire As Your Babysitter.

I've been looking for a babysitter using the the usual babysitter boards that I will not mention until I am paid millions of dollars to mention them.  There is not a standalone quality that makes candidates a shoe-in for an interview, but there is one that crosses them off the list immediately.

If the candidate is 20 years or younger and has a child, I will not hire her because somewhere in the not too distant past her strengths did not include "responsibility" or "wise decision making."

I hear the bleeding hearts out there gasping and telling me everyone deserves a second chance.  Go ahead and judge me and my babysitter profiling, but don't think for a second I believe you would leave your baby with likes of these ladies.

Who To Not Hire As Your Babysitter.


  1. I think I'd have to agree!
    Hope you find someone that works for you... who isn't one of these ladies..umm girls... pictured! ;)

  2. I think your reasoning makes sense. If someone were 25 and had a 7-year-old, I'd probably be okay with that, figuring she was more mature than your average 25-year-old. And also, she's learned some judgment if she doesn't have a 7-year-old, 4-year-old and 1-year-old! But, at under 20, they probably haven't attained that sense of judgment. Good luck.

  3. Go with your gut mama!! I can't imagine trying to find a babysitter for E, no one would be good enough!

    1. Well, I will not be leaving the house until they babysitter has been here several times with me hiding in my bedroom. I'm serious.

  4. Good luck finding a great babysitter.

  5. haha!!!

    deborah makes a good point above - it could be an indication of learned maturity if they're a little older but had a kid when they were young.

    good luck! I found mine on craiglist - I got about 50 replies, about 10 of which were worthy of a reply...4 of those turned into interviews and then I picked a great gal! :)

    1. I've gotten so many replies! I've started knocking people off the list fast - if there's not picture they're gone and if they were a teen mom they're out.

  6. Finding a babysitter is so hard! I found ones who were awesome on paper but interviewing in person, not so much. It's such a process! When we found one we liked I ended up overpaying her a bit to keep her so I wouldn't have to go through the process all over again, time is money, yes? Good luck!

  7. Oh, your profiling makes perfect sense to me!

  8. I've just decided that unless a grandma is in town, it ain't happening. My child and I are glued together for life.

    1. I want to go that route, too, but my husband wants to start "having a life" again. Booooooo!
